Know-How to Build Peace in a World of Violence and Conflict (PDF, 5.6KB)

An e-book for anyone interested in creating a peaceful world.

This e-book was co-authored by Lucy Andrew-Park Jarasius & David Hale, and is an activity of the Australian Student Christian Movement and AAANZ.

What is an Anabaptist Christian? (PDF, 735 KB)

What holds the disparate global body of Anabaptists together? Palmer Becker, a Mennonite pastor from Kitchener, Ontario, identifies three central elements:

  • Jesus is the centre of their faith
  • Community is the center of their lives
  • Reconciliation is the center of their work


Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary — AMBS is a learning community with an Anabaptist vision, educating followers of Jesus Christ to be leaders for God’s reconciling mission in the world.

Anabaptist Mennonite Network — The Anabaptist Mennonite Network is a loose-knit network of individuals and churches in Britain  interested in the insights of the Anabaptist tradition.

Canadian Mennonite — Media to educate, inspire, inform, and foster dialogue on issues facing Mennonites in Canada.

Christian Peacemaker Teams — Partnering with nonviolent movements around the world, CPT seeks to embody an inclusive, ecumenical and diverse community of God’s love. We believe we can transform war and occupation, our own lives, and the wider Christian world.

Ekklesia — Ekklesia is an independent, not-for-profit thinktank which orients its work around the changing role of beliefs, values and faith/non-faith in public life.

Jesus Radicals — Jesus Radicals is a collaborative effort to explore the theologically practical politics of a Jesus-centered life and how that way of life may benefit from a critical engagement with anarchist political stances (defined broadly as a commitment to critique of all forms of domination).

Mennonite Central Committee — MCC is a global, nonprofit organisation that strives to share God’s love and compassion for all through relief, development and peace.

Mennonite Mission Network — Mennonite Mission Network exists to lead, mobilise and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world.

Third Way Cafe — Third Way engages those who seek information online about Mennonites, and serves as a portal for those who seek to live out their Christian faith through Anabaptist values such as simple living, acts of service, and an emphasis on community, justice and peace.

Young Anabaptist Radicals — YAR is a loose affiliation of (you guessed it) self-identified young Anabaptist radicals.


Anabaptist Witness — A global Anabaptist and Mennonite dialogue on key issues facing the church in mission.

Anabaptist Witness Blog — A forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world.

Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online — GAMEO provides reliable information on Anabaptist-related (Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite, Brethren in Christ) topics, including history, theology, biography, institutions and local congregations. Articles are editorially reviewed.

Global Anabaptist Wiki — The Global Anabaptist Wiki is an interactive community of Anabaptist-Mennonite groups from around the world.